" It is the spirit of the child that can determine the course of human progress and lead it perhaps even to a higher form
of civilization. "
Dr. Maria Montessori

Indoor and outdoor areas that develop curiosity and allow for individual as well as group play are paramount to children's social and emotional development.
In their final years of attendance in Long Day care (childcare), we believe children should enjoy the natural delight of being children. Running, jumping and climbing in our fresh air, creating freely, imagining, forming positive emotional and body images and well-being, to form the strongest foundation for their future. ​
We learn the ABCs and the 123s daily, but never at the expense of a good game using imagination or exploration of something that sparks their interest. It is this spark that encourages a love of learning and acquiring knowledge. We foster this love of holistic learning, rather than the ability to memorise new knowledge by rote. ​
We embed school-readiness concepts into our Kindy Program but are careful not to stifle child-led learning opportunities. Children learn best by following their own interests and passions, so we ask your child what makes them excited to learn more or what is it they wish to know?
We embed Aboriginal culture into the fabric that makes up our everyday activities, explorations and being. Our environments are waiting for the inspiration and ideas of children to give them life. ​
Nutrition plays a major role in our Kindy Room, as a love of good food and healthy eating is born from food education and active preparation. When children can touch, feel and taste food they will gain an appreciation for the meals they are to enjoy. ​
Friendship and independence, self-regulation and interdependence skills will build and strengthen as we move towards the final term of the program, before moving to formal schooling and the next chapter of their lives.
A person soon learns how little he knows when a child begins to ask questions.
~Richard L. Evans~
In their final years of attendance in Long Day care (childcare), we believe children should enjoy the natural delight of being children. Running, jumping and climbing in our fresh air, creating freely, imagining, forming positive emotional and body images and well-being, to form the strongest foundation for their future. ​
We learn the ABCs and the 123s daily, but never at the expense of a good game using imagination or exploration of something that sparks their interest. It is this spark that encourages a love of learning and acquiring knowledge. We foster this love of holistic learning, rather than the ability to memorise new knowledge by rote. ​
We embed school-readiness concepts into our Kindy Program but are careful not to stifle child-led learning opportunities. Children learn best by following their own interests and passions, so we ask your child what makes them excited to learn more or what is it they wish to know?
We embed Aboriginal culture into the fabric that makes up our everyday activities, explorations and being. Our environments are waiting for the inspiration and ideas of children to give them life. ​
Nutrition plays a major role in our Kindy Room, as a love of good food and healthy eating is born from food education and active preparation. When children can touch, feel and taste food they will gain an appreciation for the meals they are to enjoy. ​
Friendship and independence, self-regulation and interdependence skills will build and strengthen as we move towards the final term of the program, before moving to formal schooling and the next chapter of their lives.
Our kindergarten program will develop your child's physical, social, intellectual, language and emotional abilities. Children will have opportunities to learn how to:
Use language to communicate ideas, feelings and needs
Make friends and cooperate with other children
Become more independent and confident in their abilities
Develop self-discipline
Creatively express ideas and feelings through art, dance and dramatic play
Identify, explore and solve problems
Begin to develop reading, writing and numeracy skills.
Your child will be part of individual and group activities such as block play, painting, games, puzzles, storytelling, dress-ups, dancing and singing, as well as enjoy the outdoor physical activities and interactions with the natural environment.
Our kindergarten is for children aged 3 and 4 years. The Western Australian Kindergarten Curriculum and Early Years Framework are used as guides for delivery by a four-year-trained qualified teacher, between the hours of 9am – 2.30pm Monday to Friday during the normal school terms. We support children’s physical development, intellectual growth, self-confidence, emotional stability and sensitivity by:
Formulating programs built upon a child’s abilities, interests and needs
Establishing learning spaces that are dynamic and adapt to the ongoing needs and requests of the children
Encouraging children to express creativity, emotions and artistic abilities
Observing and investigating children’s actions and responses attentively
Record and exhibit learning activities to encourage recall and discussion
We value spontaneous play, as we learn about their needs, interests and life experiences. Children learn through play, as they solve problems alone or with friends. Interacting builds positive relationships and we can plan intentional teaching activities to expand children’s worlds of knowledge and experience.
Intentional teaching is the thoughtful, informed and deliberate planning and delivery of experiences and activities to challenge and extend children’s knowledge and development.
Our focus on social skills and development encourages children to:
Be confident, involved learners
Form friendships and learn how to cooperate with other children
Learn to make positive choices and develop self-discipline
Use their creativity to express ideas and feelings
We believe that children need:
A nurturing, stimulating, caring and fun-filled environment
A high staff to child ratios (1 – 10), large natural outdoor play areas, and basic educational equipment all contribute to a positive learning environment for your child.
Our service is designed to provide plenty of space for children to play, both inside and out. Every day is different, so your child can explore, express their creativity and inquisitiveness, make friends and interact socially.
There is one early childhood university trained teacher to oversee the kindy program and a Diploma Qualified Educator for every 10 children.
We know the value of play and offer a “play based” learning program (while you may have heard the term “investigative” or “experiential”, it simply means learning through play and exploring natural learning strategies). Your child will explore, discover and create through our early childhood curriculum.
ECEC services play an important role in supporting young children to be physically active. Physically active children are healthier and stronger, with research showing they have a healthier weight, better bone health and cardiovascular fitness, and better cognitive, social and emotional development.1 Many children aged 2-5 years do not get the three hours of daily physical activity recommended by the Australian Government Department of Health
Our service will promote the optimal growth and development of children by providing adequate physical activity and limiting sedentary behaviours.
As a parent, you are your child’s primary nurturer, educator and role model. A positive relationship between your child and us, will help to nurture your child’s learning. We encourage you to visit any time through our “open door” policy spending an hour, or a day.
When our Kindergarten program is implemented, we are actively engaged with, supporting and extending children’s play, by matching responses to interests and motivations and demonstrate awe and wonder in living and learning, by bringing our professional knowledge, intuition and imagination to progress each child’s learning. We carefully monitor children’s learning journey and share this through observations and collections of work, in their development file, ensuring parents are informed about their investigations, discoveries and passions.
Educators will purposefully use letters, numbers and symbols in the environment, play with sounds, introduce new words, count, sing and play games at every opportunity. There will be many opportunities to construct, manipulate and build as children learn about space, height, weight, number and patterns. The environment will be rich with opportunities to explore a rich range of written, spoken and digital texts and the visual arts. There will be tools for representing ideas, writing messages and making signs and plans.