We respectfully acknowledge the past and present traditional custodians of the land on which our childcare centre resides, the Noongar people. It is a privilege to be here on Noongar country. We are honoured to be able to use this site for the purpose of providing the best education and care for all children. Together we acknowledge the contributions of Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education and care of all children in this country we live in and share together – Australia.
Our philosophy is our mission statement identifying our beliefs and practices. Our philosophy has been influenced by educators, children, families, and the community.
Our vision is to create confident children in a caring community.
Our aim is delivery of the highest quality care, whilst following guidelines of The Early Years Learning Framework, the National Quality Framework, and the National Quality Standards.
Our activities have a strong emphasis on play-based learning as well as early development of interest in communication and language, and social and emotional development. We endeavour to follow key principles of the framework, while increasing the valuable ‘contact’ time with children using documentation practices that reflect this in their content, variety, and regularity. (See our NATURALIST CURRICULUM)
The EYLF principles of ‘Belonging’, ‘Being’ and ‘Becoming’ forms part of our vision for all children, including children with additional needs. As it is known that children learn best when they have secure relationships with caring adults, we will provide many quality interactions, enabling children to develop trusting relationships in a warm and caring environment. We encourage and promote risk taking activities, under instruction.
Relationships with families, the child’s first and most important teachers, our community, culture, and land are important for learning. Children who play and wonder, explore the world and come up with new ideas are actively learning. We will find opportunities to build on these interests and learning experiences. We will provoke learning and inquiry, not lead and lecture.
Principles are about beliefs and values, the things we believe, our ideas and our attitudes.
Belonging is the basis for living a fulfilling life. Children feel they belong because of the relationships they have with their family, community, culture, and place.
Being is about living here and now.
Childhood is a special time in life and children need time to just ‘be’—time to play, try new things and have fun.
Becoming is about the learning and development that young children experience. Children start to form their sense of identity from an early age, which shapes the type of adult they will become.
Understanding, valuing, and working with children’s interests, their skills and their culture is what drives us when we put our principles into action. These practices help children want to learn because they feel strong and able to do so. It incorporates all children from all cultural groups.
The vision we have for children is a tool which guides all our work. The Learning Outcomes help us understand what will happen if we put the vision to work.
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
Children love learning and they are born ready to grow and learn. There is never a time when they are not learning: they are always becoming. Therefore, we will be conscientious in our approach to working with children, how we treat children, what we expect from them and what we put into our activities and experiences.
Our program is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment. We encourage interactions with nature, natural materials for play and elements of risk taking as positive ways to build children’s skills. Children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning, are given opportunities to guide their own learning and will make choices about how, when and what they learn through the development of their interests.
Our educators are considered co-learners and collaborate with the children. Our Educators are encouraging children’s learning by building on activities based on the child's interests, asking questions to further understanding, and actively engaging in the activities alongside the child, instead of sitting back and observing.
By trusting themselves to respond appropriately to children's ideas and interests, the educators trust children to be interested in things worth knowing about. The result is an atmosphere of community and collaboration that is developmentally appropriate for adults and children alike.